Leader in knowledge
Knowledge development has value if this knowledge is also transferred.
the/experts shares this knowledge at meetups, at conferences and in workshops and trainings.

What we do
Specific and generic knowledge transfer
the/experts trainers are people from the field. A number of trainings and workshops are designed generically from knowledge needs of our relations, based on specific topics. We also apply practical experience and technological experience in customized solutions.
It is always about the result!
Customization within the trainings & workshops can be in the form of different entry level, content and/or location. All this in consultation with the trainer to come to the most appropriate training/workshop for your team!

Following a “standard” training course also provides standard information and solutions. In practice, you come across all kinds of issues that cannot be captured in a standard course. That is why we offer the possibility of customized workshops & training, tailored to the information needs of the moment.
Backgrounds of Lean & Agile, Agile Estimation & Planning, Refinement Sessions, Better Retrospectives, Understanding Your Work: Agile Metrics, etc. etc. But also technology topics such as: AngularJS, React, Firebase, RXJava, Java Design Patterns, Java 8 Kickstarter, Java Profiling, AWS Serverless, Keycloak, etc.